The Truth Seeker
1 Freemason Bible Freemasons
2 The Illuminati, the cult that hijacked the world Henry Makow
3 Common Sense Thomas Paine
4 Mysterious phenomena of the human psyche L L Vasilev
5 Citizens handbook & comstitution The founding fathers
6 Remote Viewing - 3 books  Tim Rifat
7 Confessions of an Economic Hitman John Perkins
8 The protocols of zion The Zionist Jewish Illuminati
9 The bloodlines of the illuminati Fritz Springmerier
10 Psychic Warrior David Morehouse
11 Dearborn magizine - several magazines Henry ford
12 911 synthetic terror webster tarply
13 The human aura 2 books Walter J Kilner-Edgar Cayce
14 Psychic self defence Dion Fortune
15 Murder by Injection, medical  conspiracy Eustace Mullins
16 The Day After Roswell Philip Corso
17 Emerging virusus, AIDS and Ebola Leonard Horowitz
18 Clouds of Secrecy Leonard Cole
19 Letters on Occult Meditation, Psychic Archaelogy Alice Baily
20 And the truth shall set you free, etc. - 5 books David Icke
21 The Cult of  the All Seeing Eye Robert Keith Spenser 
22 Climategate, Project Blue Beam, (the dot connector) Paul Bondarovski
23 The book of the law Aleister Crowley
24 Dungeon, Fire and Sword  John J Robinson
25 Mysterious Monument Texe Marrs
26 The New Age Magazine 1927 Freemasons
27 The Limits of Growth The Club of Rome
28 The report from iron mountain Jone Doe
29  PSI spys Jim MARRS
30 Letters of Freemasonry John Q Adams
31 Underground Bases Richard Sounders
32 HAARP, the ultimate weapon of the conspiracy Jerry E Smith
33 Who really owns your gold William Dean A Garner
34 Psychic research (June 1915) James Hyslop
35 The Population Bomb Dr Paul Ehrlich
36 The Sirius Mystery Robert Temple
37 The Hudson Valley UFO Allan Hynek, Philip Imbrogno
38 Intruders Budd Hobkins
39 Communion and Transformation Witley Striber
40 Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow Constance Cumbey
41 Astrology the space age science Joseph Goodavage
42 BOCHE (germans) and Bolshevik jew Nesta Webster - Kurt Kerlen
43 britain and the jews Samual Landman
44 The International Jew vol 4 Henry Ford sr
45 To Elimanate the Opiate Rabbie Marvin Antleman
46 Behold of a Pale Horse Bill Cooper
47 Bloodline of the God Nick Redfern
48 The Gold of the Gods - 2 books Erich Von Donikin
49 The consmic conspiracy Stan Dayo
50 The facts of Psychic Science Campbell Homes
51 Lightning in his hand Nikola Tesla
52 Akakor Karl Brugger
53 UFO and the national security state - plus 2 Magazines Richard Dolan
54 UFO evidence NICAP 1964
55 The Creature from Jekyll Island G Edward Griffin
56 The Lost Star Walter Cruttenden
57 Flying serperts and dragons R A Boulay
58 Invisible Residents Ivan Sanderson
59 Flying Saucers Max Miller
60 Earth Pleiadian Keys to the living Library - 2 books Barbara Marciniak
61 Blue Lodge Handbook Freemasons
62 The Open Conspiracy and other writings H G Wells
63 Mind Reach, Psychic Ability Harold Puthoff
64 Matrix of Power, Secrets of World Control - 2 books Jordan maxwell
65 Dark Majesty & Circle of Intrigue Texe Marrs
66 The Life of an American Jew in Israel Jack Bernstein & Len Martin
67 The Ultimate World Order, (The Jewish Utopia) Robert H Williams
68 The Work of All Ages Peter Christian
69 Bloody Zion Edward Hendri
70 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements Nesta H Webster
71 Dearborn independent vol vol 3 & 4 Henry Ford
72 The Bible, Saint Mark Jesus
73 Transylvanian Sunrise by Radu Cinamar Peter Moon
74 The Black Sun Peter Moon
75 Montauk Revisited  Peter Moon-Preston NIchols
76 The Philadelphia Experiment Murder Alexandra Bruce
77 The Montauk Project  Preston Nichols with Peter Moon
78 The Philadelphia Experiment William Moore
79 Invisible Horizons Vincent Gaddis
80 The Philadelphia Experiment Brad Steiger
81 Blue Blood,True Blood  Stewart A Swerdlow
82 The Case for UFOS Morris Jessup
83 America's Secret Estblishment Antony C Sutton
84 The Secret Doctrine H. P. Blavatsky
85 Morals and Dogma Albert Pike
86 Encyclopedia of the Psychic World Theresa Cheung
87 Technique of the Master Raymund Andrea
88 The Occult and the Third Reich Jean-Michel Angebert
89 Theosophy and Social Reconstruction H. P. Blavatsky
90 The Holocast Dogma of Judaism Ben Weintraub
91 Holy Serpent of the Jews Texe Marrs
92 Masonry, Conspiracy against Christianity A Ralph Epperson
93 A separate reality Carlos Castaneda
94 The New World Order A Ralph Epperson
95 The internation  Jew Vol 1 Henry Ford
96 The Reappearance of the Christ Alice Bailey
97 Who financed Hitler James and Suzanne Pool
98 Three sevens -  R. Swinburne Clymer MD
99 KARMA Annie Besant
100 ISIS UNVEILED H P Blavatsky
101 Review of 100 books / series Rick Miracle
102 The Lost Book of Enki Zecharia Sitchen
103 Planet X Fourcast and 2012 surival guide  Marshall Masters
104 None dare call it conspiracy Gary Allan
105 Kabbalah Encyclopaedia Judaica
106 USA anti semitism Encyclopaedia Judaica
107 Jesus Encyclopaedia Judaica
108 Zionism Kishinev Encyclopaedia Judaica
109 1666 Messia Shabbetai Zevi Encyclopaedia Judaica
110 The Thirteenth Tribe Arthur Koestler
111 Jewish Ritual Murder Arnold Reese
112 Edgar Cayce on Jesus Numerous Books 
113 Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Zohar Rev Dr Gustaf Dalman
114 The Dead Sea Sroolls Millar Burrow
115 The Encyclopedia of the Occult Lewis Spence
116 The Book of Enoch Timmothy Sakach
117 Masonry, Beyond the Light William Schnoebelen
118 Encyclopaedia Judaica  Zionism
119 The Mossad Connection #20 Phoenic Journals
120 Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism Gershom Scholem
121 Messengers of Deception UFO Contact and Cults Jacques Vallee
122 The RA Material by Elkins Rueckert, McCarty
123 Channeling, Kyron 2000, Passing the Marker Lee Carroll
124 Germany Must Perish Theodore Kaufman
125 The Unknown Reality vol 2 Jane Robberts
126 Manifest your Desires Esther and Jerry Hicks
127 By Way of Deception Victor Ostrovsky
128 Atomic Bomb Secrets David Dionisi
129 The Marxist Minstrels, Communist Subversion of Music David Noebel
130 Encyclopaedia Judaica Communism
131 The Guide to Zionism Jessie E Sampter 
132 A beginners guide to creating reality JZ Knight RAMTHA
133 TUNING IN, 6 Trance Channelers Pleiadian Collective David Thomas Mattiew Klinck
134 The Voice of Hermes Ernest Norman
135 Mysticism Evelyn Underhill
136 The Synchronicity Key David Wilcock
137 The Urantia Book, Michael Jesus on Earth Martin Gardner
138 The Secret Science behind Miracles Max Freedom Long
139 Pole Shift John White
140 The Rosicrucian Philosophy in questions and Answers Max Heinel
141 Crossing the Rubicon Michael C Ruppert
142 The Secret Doctrine vol 2, Previous Pole Shifts H P Blavatsky
143 Zeta Talk Pole Shift Nancy Lieder
144 Crossfire - Kennedy & The Terror Conspiracy - 911 Jim Marrs
145 The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror David Hoffman
146 Encyclopaedia Judaica Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann
147 Black Sun by Nicholas Goodrick Clark
148 World Revolution, The Plot Against Civilization Nesta Webster    
149 Occult Theocrasy, Judaism, The Pharisees Edith Starr Miller - Lady Queenborough
150 The Cause of World Unrest Howell Arthur Gwynne
151 The Secret Terrorist Bill Hughes
152 The Black Pope, A history of the Jesuits M. F. Cusack
153 Blood Passover, The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder Ariel Toaff
154 Circle of Intrigue, Illuminati Conspiracy Texe Marrs
155 Earth Changes Bible Diane Tessman
156 The Anunnaki of Nibiru Gerald Clark
157 From the Ashes of Angels Andrew Collins
158 Blood Prints of the Gods Howard West
159 Mithras, Mysteries & Initiation D Jason Cooper
160 Voices from the Cosmos Angela Smith & Scott Jones
161 The Book of the Hopi Frank Waters
162 Blindsided Earth Changes Mark Hazlewood
163 Aliens Among Us Ruth Montgomery
164 A Visionary Guide into Past Lives Barbara Hand Clow
165 The Coming of the Cosmic Christ Matthew Fox
166 Messages from Maitreya the Christ Benjamin Cream
167 The Israel Test George Gilder
168 The Samson Option Seymore Hersh
169 Racial Zionism Christopher Jon Bjerknes
170 The Controversy of Zion Geoffrey Wheatcroft
171 Masonry Illustrated The Complete Ritual Pres. J. Blanchard of Wheaton College
172 Traitors and Carpetbaggers in the promised land Barry Chamish
173 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Manly P Hall 
174 Masonry  Encyclopaedia Vol II 1805, The Illuminati
175 Secret Societies John Lawrence Reynolds 
176  Proofs of a Conspiracy John Robison 
177 TRILATERALISM, Elite planning for World Management  Holly Sklar
178 Conspirators, The Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman 
179 Body of Secrets James Bamford 
180 Chemtrails, HAARP & Dominance of Planet Earth  Elana Freeland
181 Talisman, The Sign and the Seal Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval
182 The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC David Ovason
183 Millennial Dawn, The Divine Plan of the Ages Charles Russell & Zion's Watch Tower
184 Theodor Herzl Founder of Political Zionism Israel Cohen
185 Rose Cross Fundamental Laws 1916 R. Swinburne Clymer & Rose Cross
186 Studies in Prejudice American Jewish Committee
187 The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit E Michael  Jones
188 JEWS and The American Soul Andrew Heinze
189 Actes and Monuments John Foxe
190 Jewish Eugenics John Glad
191 Necronomicon, Book of Dead Names John Dee
192 History of the Jewish People Cecil Roth
193 Jews in Poland Iwo Pogonowski
194 MESSIAH Encyclopaedia Judaica 2006 edition
195 Hostage to the Devil Malachi Martin
196 The Coming Global Superstorm Art Ball, Whitley Strieber
197 The Double Crisis Aldous Huxley
198 The Philosophy of Humanism Corliss Lamont
199 The Allies of Humanity Marchall Van Summers
200 Personal Memoirs of H P Blavatsky Mary Neff
201 Review of 200 books / series Rick Miracle
202 NEPHILIM L A Marzulli
203 Crop Circles Revealed Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb
204  Isis Unveiled Helena Blavatsky
205 A Modern Panarion H P Blavatsky
206 The Philosophy of Natural Magic Henry Agrippa
207 Space Aliens took me to Their Planet Claude Vorilhon
208 Human Encounters with Aliens ABDUCTION John Mack
209 The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion Edited by Werblowsky & Wigoder
210 Galactic Diplomacy Michael Salla Ph D
211 Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart
212 Satan, Prince of this world William Guy Carr
213 The Zionist Movement Israel Cohen
214 Caesar and Christ Will Durant
215 The Hidden Evil Mark M Rich
216 Vatican Assassins Eric Jon Phelps
217 Six Million Open Gates S A R Lynch
218 The Shock Doctrine Naomi Klein
219 A Question of Torture Alfred McCoy
220 The Search for the Manchurian Candidate John Marks
221 Operation Paperclip Annie Jacobsen
222 Truth, Torture and the American Way Jennifer Harbury
223 Jewish Magic and Superstition Joshua Trachtenberg
224 The Revelation of St. John the Divine Holy Bible
225 Psychological Warfare and the New World Order Servando Gonzalez
226 Kabbalah The Way of the Jewish Mystic Perle Epstein
227 The Zohar Rav Shimon bar Yochai
228 The Most Dangerous Book in the World S K Bain
229 A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of Catholic Church John Vennari
230 The Journal of Historical Review, Revisionism Keith Stimely, Editor
231 The Devil's Chessboard David Talbot
232 Freemasonry and the Anti Christian Movement Rev. E. Cahill, S.J.
233 SECRET SOCIETIES and Psychological Warfare Michael A. Hoffman ll
234 The Hidden God Kenneth Grant
235 The Shadows of Power James Perloff
236 Millennium Texe Marrs
237 Who is Esau Edom Charles A Weisman
238 How Britain Initiated both World Wars  Nick Kollerstrom
239 Brain Washed into  Slavery Kenneth Goff
240 The Bloody Red Streak Trefor David
241 The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor Robert Theobald
242 From Major Jordan's Diaries George Jordan
243 The Nameless War Captain Ramsay
244 Hidden History Gerry Docherty, Jim Macgregor
245 Serbia's Secret War Philip Cohen
246 The Enemy Within the Empire  Eric Butler
247 Weapons of Mass Deception Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber
248 Unconditional Hatred Captain Russell Grenfell R.N. 
249 The Anglo-American Establishment Carroll Quigley
250 The Holy Bible, The Old Testament Prophet JEREMIAH The Holy Bible
251 Booms Day 1999 A.D. Charles Berlitz
252 The Jewish State  Theodor Herzl
253 New History of the Jews Eustace Mullins
254 Penetration Ingo Swann
255 History and Destiny of the Jews Josef Kastein
256 The Destiny of Nations Alice Bailey
257 Termpus Interludium Ernest Norman
258 The talmud Unmasked Rev. I B Pranaitis 1892
259 The Messianic Idea in Judaism Gershom Scholem
260 The War on Terror Christopher Bollyn
261 The High Priests of War Michael Collins Piper
262 Encyclopedia of the World's Religions R.C. Zaehner
263 The Secret of Shambhala James Redfield
264 Other Loses James Bacque
265 200 Years together Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
266 A One World Order - Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star Dr. Cathy Burns
267 HUNA Enid Hoffman
268 The Great Controversy E. G. White
269 The Plot Against Christianity-The Red Network Elizabeth Dilling
270 IBM and the Holocaust Edwin Black
271 Children of the Light - OUT-BODY-EXPERIENCES Brad & Sherry Steiger
272 Karl Mark friedrich Engels - The Communist manifesto Karl Mark Friedrich Engels
273 Benjamin Freedman - Samuel Untermyer Famous Speech's, facts are facts
274 The Empire of the City E.C. Knuth
275 The Great Roman-Jewish War Flavius Josephus
276 The Garden of ATON Nora Boyles
277 The people of the secret Earnest Scott
278 The Franklin Cover-Up John W DeCamp
279 Twas a Famous Victory, Deception and Propaganda WW2 Benjamin Colby
280 Uncovering the Cosmic Conspiracy Dr Douglas Haugen
281 The Phoenix Jounals - The unpublished journals The Pheonix Project
282 The Fearful Master, A second look at the United Nations G.Edward Griffin
283 Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know DeAnne Loper
284 Devil Worship in France A. E. Waite
285 Jung and Remote Viewing David Shaver
286 Atlantis Rudolf Steiner
287 Orgone, Reich & EROS Edward Mann
288 Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse Dean Henderson
289 Dianetics L Ron Hubbard
290 Year 1984 George Orwell
291 Bloodline of the Antichrist J R Church
292 Technocracy Rising Patrick Wood
293 People of The Lie M.Scott Peck M.D.
294 Utopian Road to Hell William J. Murray
295 The Return of the Kosher Pig Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
296 Day Of Deceit, The truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor Robert B. Stinnett
297 Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark Laurence Gardner
298 A History of the Marranos Cicil Roth
299 Viruss Mania Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein
300 PLAGUE Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively
301 review of 300 authur's Rick Miracle
302 Sabbatai Sevi - The Mystical Messiah Gershom Scholem
303 The Holy Kabbalah A.E.Waite
305 The Black Book of Communism by numerous authors Translated by Jonathan Murphey,  Mark Kramer
306 Global Biodiversity Assessment, Agenda 21, etc. United Nation & the Satanic secret deep state
307 The Two Babylons Rev Alexander Hislop
308 An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry 1920 Albert Mackey
309 Communism in Germany Adolf Ehrt
310 Stakin's War of Extermination Joachim Hoffmann
311 Behind Communism Frank Britton
312 The Messiah of Ismir SABBATAI ZEVI Joseph Kastein
313 Zionism & Jewish Ideals, Zionism, Communism & Illuminati Israel Cohen
314 NEWS BULLETIN's 1950's-1960's, fighting to expose communism Myron Fagan, Cinema Education Guild, Inc.
315 The Strategy and Tactics of World Communism Committee on Foreign Affairs
316 Color, Communism and Common Sense Manning Johnson
317 ANTIFA The Anti-Fascist Handbook Mark Bray
318 The invisable Government Dan Smoot
319 Freemasonry and Judaism Vicomte Leon Poncins
320 Masters of Deciet J EDGAR HOOVER
321 Covid-19 and the Agenda to Come James Perloff
322 Adam Weishaupt, A Human Devil Gerald Winrod
323 The Secret World Government or the Hidden Hand Count Cherep-Spiridovich
324 The Invisable Rainbow ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG
325 The Pilgrams Society JOEL VAN DER REIJDEN
326 History of Jacobinson ABBE BARRUEL
327 The American Citadel ZACK STRONG
328 The New World Order Ted Gundeson
330 Third Zionist War GEORGE ARMSTRONG
331 Know Your Enemy ROBERT H. WILLIAMS
332 The Smear Terror JOHN T FLYNN
333 Covid 19 and the Agenda to Come Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret
334 Communism and Revolution Cyril E. Black and Thomas P. Thornton
335 Know Your Enemy Delia Mares
336 Horrors of Vaccination Chas M Higgins
337 A Jew Exposes The Jewish World Conspiracy Henry Klein
338 Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder
339 The Late Great Planet Earth Hal Lindsey
340 Climate Change and World Affairs Crispin Tickell
341 Communist Propaganda, books, pamplets The Communnist Party
342 Where Did The Towers Go? Dr Judy Woods
343 Mass Control Engineering Human Consciousness Jim Keith
344 Confronting the New Age Douglas Groothuis
355 Behind The Green Mask U.N. Agenda 21 Rosa Koire
346 The False Prophet Robert Friedman
347 The Synagogue of Satan Andrew Hitchcock
348 The Score by Rudy Stanko Rudy Stanko
349 War and Globalization
350 Ayahuasca Visions, Peruvian Shamanism
351 Psychic Dictatorship by Alex Constantine Alex Constantine
352 The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty L. Fletcher Prouty
353 The American Deep State by Peter Scott Peter Scott
354 Infiltration, The Plot to Destory The Church
355 Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein Cass Sunstein
356 Seeds of Destruction by F William Engdahl F William Engdahl
357 Shadow Government by Grant R. Jeffrey Grant R. Jeffrey
358 Transhumanism by Joseph Farrell, Scott de Hart Joseph Farrell, Scott de Hart
359 Stranger than Fiction by Albert Pastore Ph.D
360 The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein Norman Finkelstein
361 The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black Edwin Black
362 The Jewish Utopia by Michael Higger Ph.D Michael Higger Ph.D
363 YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuel Maurice Samuel
364 Vatican Finances by Corrado Pallenberg Corrado Pallenberg
365 OUR REVOLUTION  by Leon Trotzky Leon Trotzky
366 GLOBALISM America's Demise William M Bowen Jr.
367 Fixing the Sky by James Fleming James Fleming
368 Weather Modification, Programs, Problems, Policy etc Hon Howard Cannon US Senant 1978
369 Occult Invasion  by Dave Hunt Dave Hunt
370 The Rise of the Warrior Cop Radley Balko
371 Germs Gone Wild Kenneth King
372 Weather Modification Robert Fleagle
373 Big Brother is Watching You Dr F Kenton Beshore
374 Coming Climate Crisis Claire Parkinson
375 Inner Paths to Outer Space Rick Strassman, Slawer Wojtowicz, Luis Luna, Ede Frecska
376 The Jesuits, the history Rene Miller
377 Communism, Democracy, and Catholic Power Paul Blanshard
378 Human Augmentation by British Ministry of Defense Britian Ministry of Defense & Garmany Bundeswehr
379 The Fauci COVID 19 Dossier Dr David Martin
380 Sion's Army THE FREEMASOMS Jeff Wilkerson
381 TRANCE FORMATION Mind Control Cathy O'Brian & Mark Phillips
382  Secret Agenda Linda Hunt
383 The Zionist Peril Lucien Wolf, The Jewish Quarterly Review
384 The American Police State David Wise
385 The Shadow Government, Revolution and CLASSIFIED Thomas Anderson 
386 With eyes toward ZION ll Moshe Davis
387 MIND TREK Joseph McMoneagle
388 TOTAL EMPIRE Edmund Walsh
389 The Ultimate Weapon, Terrorist and World Order Jan Schreiber
390 A Government of Wolves John Whitehead
391 Climate Change Propaganda by the United Nations The United Nations
392 Atlantis by Ignatius Donnelly, Genetic Engineering Ignatius Donnelly
393 The History and Origins of Druidism Lewis Spence
394 SPIKE The Virus vs the People Jeremy Farrar
395 Babylon Rising Rob Skiba
396 Revising Reality, Biblical look into the Cosmos Anthony Patch, Josh Peck, Gonzo Shimura, S Douglas Woodward
397 Forbidden Gates Tom and Nita Horn
398 911 and American Empire, Intellectuals Speak Out David Ray Griffin & Peter Dale Scott
399 Breaking the Tablets Samuel Max Melamed